PETRA IV Workshops and Events

Photon Science Users' meeting 2024 (Photo: M. Mayer, DESY)

Participants in front of the PETRA IV posters during the Photon Science Users' meeting 2024 - 24-26 January 2024 at DESY/Bahrenfeld. (Photo: M. Mayer, DESY)

Photon Science Users' meeting 2023

Participants in front of the PETRA IV posters during the Photon Science Users' meeting 2023 - 23-27 January 2023 at DESY.

PETRA IV workshop

Participants of the PETRA IV workshop Research with High Energy X-Rays at Ultra-Low Emittance Sources 13-15 February 2017 at DESY.


Participants of the PETRA IV workshop - Tribology and Interfaces in Functional Materials 15-17 March 2017 at DESY.


Participants of the workshop - Timing Experiments at PETRA IV 27-29 March 2017 at DESY.


Participants of the second workshop 'Science at PETRA IV' on 9-11 May 2017 at DESY.


Participants of the PETRA IV Coherence Workshop on 26 - 28 June 2017 at DESY.


Participants of the workshop Opportunities for Soft X-ray Science at PETRA IV 27-29 September 2017 at DESY.


Participants of the PETRA IV workshop on Imaging of surfaces, interfaces and nano-objects: local structure, defects and composition 9-11 October 2017 at DESY.


Participants of the workshop on Extreme Conditions Research at the Ultra-Low Emittance Storage Ring PETRA IV 16-17 October 2017 at DESY.


Participants of the workshop (organised by EMBL & University Hamburg) on Biology at PETRA IV 12-14 February 2018 at DESY.

In a series of workshops, the science case and technical requirements for the ultralow emittance storage ring PETRA IV was and will be discussed with experts and future users from many fields of science. Latest developments were presented at different events.

Workshops and Events 2025


PETRA IV Talk given by H. Reichert (Photo: M. Mayer, DESY)

PETRA IV Talks and Posters at the DESY Photon Science Users' Meeting
24-26 January 2025 at DESY

More than 1100 participants registered for the jointly organised users' meetings of DESY and European XFEL - the largest gathering of this kind worldwide. PETRA IV project was presented in plenary talks, workshops and poster sessions.

Organised by the DESY Photon Science, PETRA IV project team et al.

Archive | Workshops and Events 2024


PETRA IV Talk given by H. Reichert (Photo: M. Mayer, DESY)

PETRA IV Talks and Posters at the DESY Photon Science Users' Meeting
24-26 January 2024 at DESY/Bahrenfeld

More than 1100 participants registered for this on-site event. The PETRA IV project was presented in plenary talks, workshops and during the two large poster sessions. Both session were accompanied by a vendor exhibition with more than 50 exhibitors from different companies.

Organised by the DESY Photon Science, PETRA IV project team et al.

Archive | Workshops and Events 2023


PETRA IV Talks and Posters

PETRA IV Talks and Posters at the DESY Photon Science Users' Meeting
23-27 January 2023 at DESY (on-site)

For almost a week more than 1100 researchers from over 25 countries exchanged views on the status and future of research at DESY Photon Science during presentations, in 20 workshops and satellite meetings, at an industrial exhibition and in poster exhibitions. For DESY´s planned future project PETRA IV, plans for the beamline portfolio, future access to measurement time and the integration of industrial measurements were presented as well at this meeting.

Organised by the DESY Photon Science, PETRA IV project team et al.

PETRA IV Poster 2023


Archive | Workshops 2020 


PETRA IV workshops

PETRA IV Scientific Instrumentation Proposals
Submission deadline was 1 Dec. 2020

The technical design report (TDR) phase of PETRA IV has started and the scientific requirements for the beamlines have to be determined in detail. This will result in definitions of the corresponding technical requirements for the beamline instrumentations.

The goal of the "PETRA IV Scientific Instrumentation" proposals is to survey the needs of the user community and to identify the experiments to be implemented at PETRA IV. The proposals will be used to develop a user-tailored PETRA IV beamline portfolio in collaboration with HZG (now Hereon) and EMBL.

Organised by the PETRA IV project team

PETRA IV workshops

PETRA IV Workshops
October-November 2020 at DESY (online events)

Within the process of developing the PETRA IV Scientific Instrumentation Proposals (SIPs), the dedicated PETRA IV workshops are aiming to strengthen the scientific exchange among different user communities. Here the emphasis will be on bringing together current and future users working in all fields of science to exchange creative and interdisciplinary ideas and trends for experiments as well as identifying beamline parameters required to enable potential experiments at PETRA IV :

Workshop 1 (19 - 21 Oct. 2020):
Materials and Processes for Energy and Transport Technologies
Workshop 2 (28 - 30 Oct. 2020):
Soft Matter, Health and Life Sciences
Workshop 3 (2-4 Nov. 2020):
Earth, Environment, and Materials for Nanoscience and Information Technology
Workshop 4 (18-20 Nov. 2020):
Technical Challenges and Scientific Computing

Organised by PETRA IV project team et al.

Archive | Workshops 2018



Biology at PETRA IV
12-14 February 2018 at DESY

Synchrotron radiation is used to address questions about biological systems at various length and time scales. The main methodologies employed are X-ray diffraction and scattering, imaging and spectroscopy. The goal of the workshop is to discuss how biological applications of synchrotron radiation could profit from a diffraction limited storage ring and to identify experiments that are not possible today but would become possible with PETRA IV.

Organized by Thomas R. Schneider (EMBL Hamburg), Arwen Pearson (University of Hamburg)


Archive | Workshops 2017


Research with High Energy X-Rays at Ultra-Low Emittance Sources
13-15 February 2017 at DESY

High-energy X-rays are used in many fields of science, from solid-state physics, chemistry and biomedical science to geoscience, engineering materials science and nanotechnology. PETRA IV can provide unique conditions for experiments with high-energy X-rays. In particular, the high-energy X-ray beam can be efficiently focused to obtain local information about the sample, e. g., using powder and single-crystal diffraction, pair-distribution-function (PDF) analysis, grain mapping, imaging in absorption and phase contrast, and potentially even coherent X-ray diffraction imaging. In this way, PETRA IV opens a unique perspective for in-situ and operando experiments.

The scientifc case for high-energy X-rays at an ultra-low emittance source will be discussed together with the required experimental parameters.

Organized by Uta Rütt, Ann-Christin Dippel and Christian Schroer


Tribology and Interfaces in Functional Materials
15-17 March 2017 at DESY

Controlling energy dissipation due to friction is a cornerstone on the way to further advance the energy efficiency of mechanical processes and to reduce emissions. This requires to identify the relevant physical processes on length scales from macroscopic to nanoscopic dimensions. A fundamental understanding of the frictional processes, resulting in the synthesis of reduced-friction materials would thus have an enormous economic impact. Despite great advances in the measurement of frictional forces on the atomic scale, friction coefficients between two materials are still empirical quantities. The reason for the lack of understanding in this field is the fact that the contact region between two materials is hardly accessible to a direct study unless they are transparent.

Micro-and nanofocused beams of hard X-rays from an ultra-high-brilliance synchrotron radiation source like PETRA IV are uniquely suited to illuminate the contact area between two sliding surfaces with outstanding spatial resolution. These beams give access to structure and dynamics of frictional processes under operando conditions. The goal of this workshop is to discuss scientific cases related to tribological challenges that can be addressed by efficient X-ray scattering methods for characterizing dynamical and structural properties of interfaces in sliding contact.

Organized by Martin Dienwiebel (KIT) and Ralf Röhlsberger


Timing Experiments at PETRA IV
27-29 March 2017 at DESY

Present-day third-generation synchrotron radiation sources enable a wide range of experiments that exploit the time structure of the radiation. These include time-of-flight measurements of secondary particles, the study of non-equilibrium phenomena via pump-probe experiments and nuclear resonant scattering, covering scientific fields that range from the study of gas-phase interactions to the electronic and magnetic properties of correlated materials. All these experiments rely on the bunch length and the bunch separation in the different operation modi of PETRA III.

In a diffraction-limited storage ring like PETRA IV, the bunch charge will have to be distributed more evenly over the circumference as compared to present-day sources in order to reach a diffraction-limited low emittance. It is the goal of this workshop to discuss the timing properties that are required for the different fields of applications to make optimum use of PETRA IV. In the ideal case one wishes to compromise as few methods as possible while benefitting as many experiments as possible by combining timing and time-resolution with the outstanding properties of a diffraction-limited storage ring.

Organized by Jens Viefhaus and Ralf Röhlsberger


Second Workshop 'Science at PETRA IV'
  9-11 May 2017 at DESY

With its ultra-low emittance PETRA IV will provide unprecedented experimental possibilities for many fields of science. This workshop is intended to bring together the experts from all the fields of science that are currently served by PETRA III and discuss the impact of the upgrade to PETRA IV for the respective fields. The goal is to find and exploit synergies and inspire scientists to make use of new experimental opportunities that may at present not be applicable to their field.

Organized by Christian Schroer and Ralf Röhlsberger


PETRA IV Coherence Workshop
26 - 28 June 2017 at DESY

With its ultra-low emittance and dramatic increase in degree of coherence PETRA IV will provide unprecedented experimental possibilities for coherence application techniques. This workshop is intended to bring together experts from fields as X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS), Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging (CXDI), X-ray ptychography, and X-ray Cross-Correlation Analysis (XCCA) to discuss the impact of the upgrade to PETRA IV for the respective fields. The goal of this workshop is to illuminate scientific cases related to coherence applications that can be addressed by the increased coherent flux at PETRA IV for characterization of dynamical and structural properties of materials.

Organized by Gerhard Grübel and Ivan Vartaniants


Opportunities for Soft X-ray Science at PETRA IV
27-29 September 2017 at DESY

Current planning for the PETRA IV project foresees a 6 GeV electron storage ring having about 1% of the current emittance, making it a perfect synchrotron radiation source also for the soft X-ray range. Here PETRA IV will offer a very high degree of coherence (90+ %), enabling true diffraction limited focussing, which will result in nm-scale focus sizes and enormous photon flux densities. The required optimal optics and mechanics will furthermore improve beamline parameters such as photon bandpass and photon beam stability.
The new opportunities offered by PETRA IV, particularly for the soft X-ray SR community, will be discussed in this workshop.

Organized by Kai Bagschik, Sadia Bari, Jens Buck, Leif Glaser, Jörn Seltmann, and Jens Viefhaus


Imaging of surfaces, interfaces and nano-objects: local structure, defects and composition
9-11 October 2017 at DESY

With its expected ultrahigh brilliance, PETRA IV will put forward the routine preparation of nanofocussed x-ray beams with diameters down to 10 nm. This unique property allows addressing local structural and chemical properties with nm resolution of surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures. At the same time, full field imaging techniques will profit from the increased coherence of the x-ray beam. Both open up unique possibilities for the investigation of materials with inherent heterogeneous interfaces from the micro to the nanoscale such as heterogeneous catalysts or surfaces of polycrystalline materials. The goal of this workshop is to highlight emerging PETRA IV opportunities for nanofocus x-ray experiments under operando conditions by bringing traditionally spatially averaging x-ray techniques down to the nanometer level, including a correlation with complementary microscopy techniques.

Organized by Andreas Stierle, Vedran Vonk, and Ralf Röhlsberger


Extreme Conditions Research at the Ultra-Low Emittance Storage Ring PETRA IV
16-17 October 2017 at DESY

The new PETRA IV facility is expected to herald new science at extreme conditions using the diamond anvil cell (DAC) and large volume presses (LVP). Scientific case studies will benefit from the exceptional brightness as well as coherence enabling nano-sized beams with significant more flux on the sample at high energies, and an entire suite of coherent diffraction and imaging techniques that have so far not been possible at high energies. The purpose of this workshop is to finalize and possibly enrich the scientific cases for the CDR of PETRA IV for Extreme Condition Science through the discussion with the community. During the workshop we will also look at the upgrade that are proposed for the other 3rd generation sources and contrast their extreme conditions scientific cases to thus emerging for PETRA IV.

Organized by Hans-Peter Liermann and Robert Farla

DLSR Workshop

The "Diffraction-Limited Storage-Ring (DLSR)" workshop, organised at DESY from 9-11 March 2016
It was the 5th workshop in a series addressing the science and technology of building and using the next generation of storage rings, like the planned PETRA IV. About 140 scientists from more than ten light sources worldwide came together.

2015 Workshop

The first workshop 'Science at PETRA IV' took place at DESY from 23-24 March 2015
in order to discuss the scientific opportunities provided by a diffraction-limited light source.