Referencing P66

Please refer also to the use of the DESY photon facility. All publications have to contain a corresponding sentence, which is listed here: DESY Photon Science User's Guide for publication and reports.

There is no publication yet, which describes P66!

Information on the former SUPERLUMI at DORIS III and recent activities at other synchrotron radiation sources:

V. Pankratova and A. Kotlovb, Luminescence spectroscopy under synchrotron radiation: From SUPERLUMI to FINESTLUMI, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Volume 474 (2020), DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2020.04.015.

The former SUPERLUMI setup was constructed and developed as a user facility in 1981 at the former synchrotron source DORIS III at DESY (HASYLAB) and it was a flagship experiment for the next three decades. It was most productive endstation among all DORIS III beamlines until 2012, over 1000 publications were published until now.