Preparing a beamtime

In the following you will find some tips and tricks to prepare your beamtime at P65

- If you or anyone of your collaborators needs a Visum for a visit to Germany, please contact the DESY-FS user office at least 2 months before the start of your beamtime. This way, we can prepare an invitation letter for you, which you can take to the German embassy or consulate. This will facilitate the Visa-application. Please do not forget to apply for Visa in time!

- If you need gases, please contact the beamline staff at least 2 months in advance. Preferably you should use the following e-mail address: Please provide information about the amount you need (in NL) and the required purity of the gases. Some special gases require longer ordering and delivery times (up to several months) . We have a number of gases and gas-mixtures on stock, but we do not have everything. Do not forget to include your gases in the safety declaration. A safety concept is mandatory if you are planning to use gases!

- You must submit your safety declaration at least 1 month in advance, and declare all substances (solids, liquids, gases) you are planning to use. If something is not declared, you are not be allowed to use it at the beamline or in the chemistry lab, even if that would mean that you can not perform your experiment! You do not have to mention that you need gases for the ion-chambers, since this is a permanent installation of the beamline.

- If you need special equipment for your experiment from us, please contact your local contact in advance. We have some stuff which might fit your needs. Also if you want to mount your own equipment, please contact us, so that we can determine if it fits into the beamline. We can mount many things, and we have many stages for alignment. The usual mounting-surface has a 25mm square pattern of tapped M6-holes, which are usually parallel and perpendicular to the beam. The maximum height of the sample above the table is 380mm.

- If you want to ship your own equipment to DESY, you should make sure that it arrives at least two working days before the start of the experiment! Saturday and Sunday are not working days. If your beamtime starts on a Monday, the equipment should be here on Thursday. If it arrives on a Friday or even on a Saturday, it might not be at the beamline before Monday noon. Please inform us if you ship anything, and tell us, when it arrived at DESY. This might help you to get the equipment in time.

- Additional information can be found on the DESY webpages. There is also a user-guide on the DESY web-pages Among other things it is containing information on how to book rooms in the DESY guesthouse etc.

- Do not forget to do your safety-training before you travel to DESY. For experiments at P64, you need general instructions and PETRA III specific instructions. For work in the sample preparation laboratory, you need chemical training, and if you want to use liquid nitrogen, you have to look into the instructions for cryogenic gases. You do not need to learn anything on radioactive sources unless you work with radioactive elements. PETRA III is not a radioactive source, it is an accelerator! Print your certificate, sign it and send it to the user office.

- Get a DACHS-Card before you come to the beamline. The DACHS Card is available:
• in bldg. 6/ R110 (Mon-Thu 8:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00, Fri 8:00-12:00 and13:00-14:00).
• outside office hours at the DESY main entrance, Notkestr. 85

- If you have any questions, please contact us well in advance so that we have sufficient time to organise additional equipment etc.