Referencing P61B

Please acknowledge the use of the DESY photon facility. All publications have to contain a corresponding sentence, which is listed here:
DESY Photon Science User's Guide for publication and reports.

Example text for acknowledgements in a paper:

We acknowledge DESY (Hamburg, Germany), a member of the Helmholtz Association HGF, for the provision of experimental facilities. Parts of this research were carried out at beamline P61B (Proposal No. xxx). The beamline LVP instrument Aster-15 is funded by the ErUM-Pro programme (grants no.: 05K16WC2 & 05K13WC2) of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In addition, and we would like to thank X for assistance in using Y.

Note: the BMBF grant numbers relate to the 6-ram LVP, which must be included in the acknowledgements since this instrument is always used at P61B.

Referencing the 6-ram LVP Aster-15

The 6-ram LVP at the end station P61B is called: Aster-15. Its technical name is: mavo press LPQ6-1500-100. The press type is: Hall-type. Therefore, you have several options in referring to the LVP.

We used the [6-ram Large Volume Press Aster-15]...[mavo press LPQ6-1500-100]...[Hall-type multi anvil press Aster-15]...

Referencing P61B LVP in your publications

Please cite these papers, where appropriate, in your publications:

Beamline station P61B
Farla, R., Bhat, S., Sonntag, S., Chanyshev, A., Ma, S., Ishii, T., Liu, Z., Néri, A., Nishiyama, N., Faria, G. A., Wroblewski, T., Schulte-Schrepping, H., Drube, W., Seeck, O. & Katsura, T. (2022). J. Synchrotron Radiat. 29, 409-423.

Acoustic Emissions detection system
Ma, S., Gasc J., & Farla R. (2023) Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, no. 2:023901.

Ultrasonic Interferometry system
Néri, A., Man L., Chantel J., Farla R., Bauer G., Linhardt S., Boffa Ballaran T., & Frost D. J. (2024) Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, no. 1:013902.

Joint in-situ pressure-temperature determination
Farla, R. (2023) J. Synchrotron Radiat. 30, no. 4:807–14.