P09 beamline

Schematic overview over beamline P09 and the optical components in the beam path.

P09 is open to applications for beam time

The XMCD program at P09 has come to a full stop in July of 2022 following a strategic decision of the DESY directors in December of 2021 to build a macromolecular crystallography set up dedicated to high-throughput pharmaceutical X-ray screening in the 3rd experimental hutch of P09 and allocate to it 30% of the total beamtime available at P09. This setting is anticipated to be continued until the end of the year 2026.

Users can apply for the following stations:

-> Resonant Scattering and Diffraction stations, dedicated to resonant and magnetic X-ray diffraction experiments on single crystals and thin films in the tender and hard X-ray range and operated by the DESY FS-P09 team.

-> HiPhax enstation, dedicated to high-throughput pharmaceutical X-ray screening and operated by the DESY FS-BMX group.