Hutches and other components of the MINAXS beamline P03 are marked with red. The x-ray beam travels from left to right in this picture. P03.1 is the first experimental hutch and P03.2 is the second experimental hutch.
The MINAXS beamline is divided in three parts: the optics hutch, experimental hutch 1 (EH1) and experimental hutch 2 (EH2). The whole beamline is operated by HASYLAB. The experimental hutches use the same monochromated synchrotron beam and therefore can only be run at different times. The experiments are controlled from a common control hutch.
Most of the optical elements of the beamline are located in the optics hutch (OH). In addition, beryllium compound refractive lenses are situated between the optics hutch and the first experimental hutch, and x-ray waveguides are located at the experimental hutch 2.
See the separate page on optics for further information.
Experimental Hutch 1 (EH1)
A microfocused beam is obtained to the first experimental hutch from the optical elements. The size of the beam is planned to be varied from approximately 40 x 20 μm2 and 10 x 5 μm2. In addition to standard transmission setups a μGISAXS experimental setup has been designed and constructed in collaboration with the group of Prof. Dr. Peter Müller-Buschbaum from the Technical University of Münich.
Experimental Hutch 2 (EH2)
In the second experimental hutch a nanofocused beam with a size of down to 250 x 350 nm2 is obtained using a long focal distance nanofocusing mirror optics (KB mirrors). The experimental setup has been constructed within a BMBF-funded project by Kiel University (Prof. Martin Müller) and is now operated by Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht in cooperation with Kiel University and DESY.