
Beamline Development News (update 29/07/2024)


  • Updating operations software from Debian8 to Debian9 (Jan. 2019)
  • 2 circle diffractometer with double sided laser heating for single crystal diffraction is now available for general users (Feb. 2019)DESY
  • dDAC setup with fast GaAs Lambda detectors is now available to general users (March 2019)
  • New submicron focus (0.8 x 0.8 micron @ 25.6 keV) is now available to users of the general purpose experiment (July 2019)


  • Phase plates for improved CRL focusing on the GP experiment has been installed in 2020 and is now available to users
  • Sub-micron sample stack for the GP experiment (funded by the Verbundforschungs BMBF project, PI: N. Dubrovinskaya) has been installed in 2020 and is now available to users
  • Second vacuum chamber for 4pin resistive pin DAC has been commissioned in 2020 and is now available to users
  • New scaffolding for the beamstop/diode setup at the GP experiment has been installed and commissioned
  • New light in coupling on the LH experiment has been installed in 2020 and is available to users
  • In 2020/2021: the observation system of the LH was updated in an effort to stabilized the system


  • In 2021-A: pinhole x on the GP was installed in order to get the pinhole closer to the DAC
  • In 2021-A: new GE pressure controllers were installed on both experimental setups. 2 channels at each setup are now available to the users
  • In 2021-A: new glove box with dedicated microscope was installed in preparation lab (L017)
  • 2021 July: New cooling block for DAC at the LH setup have been commissioned


  • 2022-A: Second GE pressure controller installed
  • 2022-A: Cryo-Loading of Ar and NH3 is now possible
  • 2022-A: New air baring rotation on the LH sample stack improves significantly ability to collect single crystal diffraction data
  • 2022-B: Laser drilling machine is out of order because of lack of cavity gas
  • 2022-B: 4K cryostat was finally successfully commissioned => powder & single crystal is working
  • 2022-B: Off line laser heating system is back online and can be used by general users (preferentially by GP users)
  • 2022-Dec.: Methane gas loading is available to general users


  • 2023-Jan.: New SymDAC and BX90 DACs have arrived and are available
  • 2023-Jan-Feb.: Switch to Debian 11 completed along with computer hardware upgrade and new installment of beamline control and scan tracker
  • 2023-Feb.: New 2.3 MPix GaAs Lambda detectors are commissioned and can operate at 24 kHz in 1 bit mode.
  • 2023-Feb.: New x-ray diffraction and imaging setup has been installed
  • 2023-A: Due to shortage of liq. He supply, all cryostat experiments are cancelled
  • 2023-A: Due to shortage of Ne, only He gas loading is available to general users


  • 2024-A and B: Both liq. He for cryostats and Ne gas loading are available
  • 2024-A: Improved sub-micron focusing at 25.6 keV are available
  • 2024-A: Laser heated dDAC has been commissioned (development with the high-pressure group from LLNL)
  • 2024-B: New laser drilling machine from Trumpf is now available for general users
  • 2024-B: Beamline OS is being switching to Debian 12
  • 2024-B: Offline Raman and Ruby have been upgraded


  • 2025-A: Beamline will offer PCI and x-ray diffraction setup to general users both at the LH and GP experimental setup (development with the high-pressure group from LLNL, for detail contact the beamline staff)
  • 2025-A: Beamline will offer new Lambda 9M GaAs detector to general users
  • 2025-A: P02.2 in collaboration with the ErUM project from C. Prescher (Uni. Freiburg) will offer a Soller slit system with CdTe Pilatus detector for the study of non-crystalline materials
  • 2025-A: Beamline will offer laser heating dDAC to users (development with the high-pressure group from LLNL)

Scientific Developments

  • Coming Soon