Support Laboratories

Different laboratories are available for users for sample and experiment preparation. Currently, beamline P02.1 provides a chemistry laboratory (L016), where users can load samples and prepare their experiments. In addition, general chemistry laboratories and a clean room are available. Please be aware that all laboratories have to be booked at least 4 weeks in advance, by providing sample compositions, a participant list and a safety concept.

P02.1 Chemistry Laboratory (L016)

The P02.1 chemistry laboratory is designed for our users for sample preparation (e.g. capillary filling) and experiment preparation (e.g. loading of custom-made cells, mixing starting reactants, etc.). In the following an overview of available equipment is given.

Glove box (Argon filled) with microscope. Equipped with small air lock (diameter 150 mm) and big air lock (diameter 400 mm).

Fume hood

Muffle furnace (Nabertherm, programmabe with increasing and decreasing ramps, up to 1200°C)

Fritsch Pulverisette 7 (planetary ball mill with two milling vessels. Currently only agate vessels for grinding of soft materials are available.)

Micro scale (Accuracy 0.1 mg)

Working place

PETRA III Chemistry Laboratories / Clean Room

Besides the P02.1 Chemistry Laboratory (L016) further Chemistry Laboratories and a Clean Room are available.

For further information regarding the PETRA III Chemistry Laboratories / Clean Room, please visit the website of the PETRA III infrastructure: Chemistry Laboratory/Clean Room
