Figure 1: CAD image of WESPE
The WESPE (Wide-angle Electron SPEctrometer) end-station is a versatile and transportable instrument, operable on either one of the two monochromator beamlines, PG2 and FL23, at the Free-Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH) or in the laser laboratory at the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL).
The instrument is equipped with a prep chamber providing standard techniques for sample preparation. The measurement chamber is constructed from µ-metal to effectively shield external magnetic fields. In its current configuration, the setup offers two operational modes:
- High-repetition rate measurements at FLASH
The setup combines time-of-flight analyzers (Specs, Themis 1000-80) with segmented, position-sensitive delay-line detectors (Surface Concept, 3D-DLD-4Q), providing optimal conditions to perform high-repetition-rate measurements. By using FLASH, as a soft X-ray free-electron laser with excitation energies up to 700 eV (wavelengths down to 1.77 nm), ideal conditions are provided to investigate a variety of time-resolved (core-level) photoemission experiments (trPES) on solid surfaces and interfaces, such as:
- Catalytic reactions on solid surfaces or Nanoparticles,
- Ultrafast magnetization phenomena,
- Charge migration and transfer processes in layered systems.
The segmented delay-line detector (DLD) enhances detection efficiency, supporting single-electron detection. Additionally, the wide acceptance angle (±14°) and high energy resolution (~150 meV) across a large energy window (up to 18 eV) from the electron analyzer contribute to superior measurement capabilities. The parallel operation of two spectrometers enables:
- Simultaneous bulk- and surface-sensitive measurements, with one spectrometer in normal emission (NE) and the other in grazing emission (GE).
- Measurement of electrons with different kinetic energies.
- Improved statistical reliability through parallel data acquisition.
- Static and Preparatory Measurements
A hemispherical analyzer (Scienta SES 2002) is also integrated into the setup. Operable in conjunction with a twin-anode X-ray gun (Al- and Mg- Kα), this configuration supports:
- Stand-alone static experiments in the laboratory,
- preparatory measurements for FEL experiments.
Target beamline |
PG2, FL23 |
Sample type |
solid state, size approx. 10x10mm, |
Sample environment |
UHV 10-10mbar, back-pressure of up to 10-7mbar |
Sample temperature range |
10K to 300K |
Energy resolution |
approx. 150 - 200meV |
Technique |
XPS, trXPS |
Preparation chamber |
LEED, high-temperature annealing and flash, Ar+ sputtering, load lock, gas dosing system, quarts monitor, free ports for evaporators, cleaving tools or vacuum suit cases |