The flexible MUSIX (MUlti-dimensional Spectroscopy and Inelastic X-ray scattering) end-station is a platform for hosting many different experiments at various free-electron laser or synchrotron beam lines. It equips a scattering chamber and a spectrometer that are designed to conduct multi-dimensional scattering and spectroscopy. The scattering chamber (radius = 279 mm) has co-axial rotation stages that couple the sample rotation angle (theta) and detecting rotation angle (two theta). A spectrometer for the soft X-ray (50-1000 eV) with a resolving power ~2000 can be attached at the scattering chamber that is also rotated along the sample rotation axis. Upon request, optional detection approaches such as resonant X-ray scattering (RXS), resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS), X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and µm X-ray imaging can be realized.


Target Beamlines

Flexible, particular at FL23, FL24, PG2 (FLASH) and P04 (PETRA III)

Sample environment

solid samples

Sample Rotations

Theta, Two Theta, (Phi)

Sample Temperature

25K to 300K

Manipulator precision

~1 µm

Spectrometer Resolution

Resolving power ~2000

Spectrometer Energy Region

Good for 200 - 800 eV

Spectrometer Rotations

Selected angle ±10°

Spectrometer Polarization





M. Beye, R.Y. Engel, J.O. Schunck, S. Dziarzhytski, G. Brenner, P.S. Miedema,
Non-Linear Soft X-Ray Methods on Solids with MUSIX - the Multi-Dimensional Spectroscopy and Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Endstation,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 31, 014003 (2019),