P64 | P65 "EXAFS" |
P22 "HAXPES" |
P08 | P23 | P24 "Bulk and Surface Diffraction" |
Dr. Aleksandr Kalinko (Secretary) |
Dr. Christoph Schlüter (Secretary) |
Dr. Florian Bertram (Secretary) |
P07 (Hereon) | P61 (Hereon) "Materials Science" |
P03 | P62 "SAXS / WAXS / GISAXS" |
P02.1 "Powder Diffraction" |
Dr. Dieter Lott (HZG) (Secretary) |
Adj. Prof. Sarathlal Koyiloth Vayalil (Secretary) |
Dr. Martin Etter (Secretary) |
P05 | P06 "Imaging (full-field, scanning, coherent)"
P01 | P09 "Inelastic, Magnetic and Resonant Scattering"
P10 "Coherent applications"
Dr. Gerald Falkenberg (DESY) (Secretary) |
Dr. Ilya Sergeev (Secretary) |
Dr. Fabian Westermeier (Secretary) |
P21 | P07 (DESY) "High Energy Diffraction"
P02.2 | P61 ( LVP) "Extreme Conditions"
P04 | P66 "VUV and Soft X-ray"
Dr. Ann-Christin Dippel (Secretary) |
Dr. Hanns-Peter Liermann (Secretary) |
Dr. Moritz Hoesch (Secretary) |
Soft X-Ray - FEL Experiments (FLASH) |
Dr. Elke Plönjes-Palm, DESY (Secretary) |
EMBL Project Evaluation Committee |