The Detector Group is conducting the following Detector Projects:
AGIPD (Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector) The AGIPD is a high speed X-ray detector for the diffraction experiments at the European XFEL. It provides single pulse imaging at 4.5 MHz frame rate. The high sensitivity and large dynamic range of AGIPD allows for single photon detection and detection of more than 10,000 12.4-keV photons in the same image.
PERCIVAL DESY initiated the development of a multi-megapixel monolithic soft X-ray CMOS imager for synchrotron and FEL applications
TEMPUS (Timepix-4 based Edgless Multi-Purpose Sensor) TEMPUS is a versatile pixel detector based on the Timepix4 chip. It offers two operating modes - conventional photon counting, or precise timestamping of individual photons - and is particularly suited to experiments at synchrotrons requiring extreme time resolution.
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