Complete set up of the hydrothermal autoclave at the PETRA III beamline P65. 1.) membrane compressor, 2.) Maximator pressure control unit, 3.) Eurotherm temperature control unit, 4.9 position of network camera to observe pressure in the autoclave, 5.) manometer pressure gauge (autoclave), 6.) autoclave, 7.) autoclave special adapter, 8.) 4 pixel SDD
The autoclave is enabling in situ characterisation of hydrothermal fluids at high pressures and high temperatures. It was specifically designed to enable x-ray absorption spectroscopy in fluids with applications to mineral solubility and element speciation analysis in hydrothermal fluids in complex compositions. However, other applications, such as Raman spectroscopy, in high-pressure fluids are also possible with the autoclave. First experiments were run at pressures between 100 and 600 bars and at temperatures between 25 °C and 550 °C. The results proved that the autoclave is well suited to study the behavior of ore-forming metals at P–T conditions relevant to the Earth’s crust. the complete set-up is available for user experiments at P65 or other suited beamlines.
You can find further technical information and examples for applications here:
Klemme, S. ; Feldhaus, M. ; Potapkin, V. ; Louvel, M. ; Loges, A. ; Rohrbach, A. ; Weitkamp, P. ; Welter, E. ; Kokh, M. ; Testemale, D. ; Wilke, M. ; Borchert, M. ; Schmidt, C. A hydrothermal apparatus for x-ray absorption spectroscopy of hydrothermal fluids at DESY Rev.Sci. Instr. 92(6), 063903 (2021) [10.1063/5.0044767]

The project was funded by the BMBF Verbundfoschung:
05K16PMA Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Prof. Stephan Klemme
Title: Aufbau einer Hydrothermalzelle für die Untersuchung von Elementtransportprozessen in geologischen und chemischen Systemen mittels Röntgenfluoreszenzspektroskopie an der Strahllinie P64/65 an PETRA III