Record attendance at the Open Day / Nacht des Wissens bei DESY (Oct. 2011)

Foto © Walter Mücksch

Nacht des Wissens 2011: Hamburgs second Major Dorothee Stapelfeldt visited the FLASH experiment hall at DESY, here together with Rolf Treusch (left) and Edgar Weckert (right). (Photo © Walter Mücksch).

Nearly 14.000 visitors took the opportunity of the "Tag der offenen Tür /Open day" and “Nacht des Wissens in Hamburg / Night of Knowledge” to make a DESY tour on Saturday 29 October 2011. New record attendance was also achieved at the “Nacht des Wissens in Hamburg”: in total 20.000 visitors were counted.

Among them were many families with children, who were offered a variegated program at DESY: amazing things to see and to do. The program at DESY started at 12h and ended at 24h in the night.