Laying of the Foundation Stone for the CFEL building (Sept 2009)


Laying of the CFEL Foundation Stone: Science and Research Senator of Hamburg Dr. H. Gundelach (with time capsule), Vice-President of the University of Hamburg Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Siegfried Stiehl , DESY director of administration Christian Scherf, MPI Director Prof. Dr. Joachim H. Ullrich and guests. (Photo courtesy of: CFEL)

On September 29th 2009, a first milestone in the construction of the CFEL building was achieved with the laying of the foundation stone. The Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL) is a novel joint enterprise of DESY, the Max Planck Society (MPG), and the University of Hamburg. CFEL is designed to advance science with next generation light sources.

The ceremony was opened by a short greeting by Hamburgs’ Senator for Science and Research Dr. Herlind Gundelach. Then the Vice President of the University of Hamburg Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Siegfried Stiehl, the DESY director of administration Christian Scherf and the head of the CFEL managing board, MPI Director Prof. Dr. Joachim H. Ullrich addressed the audience.


CFEL building - interior view (Courtesy of: hammeskrause architekten)

Afterwards the four speakers placed the traditional items into the time capsule, e.g. the newspaper of the day, current coins and the architects’ drawings of the CFEL building. Also included were several scientific papers of the CFEL group leaders and some special items related to their research: the prototype of a pnCCD detector chip and the CFEL logo drilled in a silicon wafer with a focused ion beam. The copper capsule was sealed and buried in the ground plate of the building.

(...from CFEL , September 2009)