PSC Members

PSC Members (second half 2022)

PSC Members (second half 2022) from the left: 1st row: Daniela Rupp, Christian David (chair), Andrea Somogyi, 2nd row: Sarah Köster, Mark Heron, Bernd Schmitt, 3rd row: Michael Krisch, Edvin Lundgren, 4th row: Stefan Vogt, Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Stefan Eisebitt (vice chair), 5th row: Serena DeBeer, Thomas Pfeifer, Jan Lüning. Here absent: Kristina Djinovic-Carugo, Simo Huotari,Oxana Klementieva, Thomas Schröder.

2024 PSC Members

Christian David (PSI, Villigen, CH) Chair
Stefan Eisebitt (TU Berlin+ MBI, Berlin, D) Vice-Chair

  • Serena DeBeer (MPI-cec, Mülheim an der Ruhr, D)
  • Kristina Djinovic-Carugo (Uni Wien, AUT)
  • Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt (KIT, Karlsruhe, D)
  • Mark Heron (Diamond Light Source Ltd, UK)
  • Simo Huotari (University of Helsinki, FI)
  • Oxana Klementieva (Lunds universitet, S)
  • Sarah Köster (Universität Göttingen, D)
  • Michael Krisch (ESRF, F)
  • Jan Lüning (HZB, Berlin, D)
  • Thomas Pfeifer (MPI, Heidelberg, D)
  • Daniela Rupp (ETH, Zürich, CH)
  • Bernd Schmitt (PSI, Villigen, CH)
  • Thomas Schröder (HU Berlin + IKZ, Berlin, D)
  • Andrea Somogyi (Synchrotron Soleil, F)
  • Stefan Vogt (APS, ANL, USA)

Scientific secretary of the PSC: Olga Vybornova (DESY)

Invited guests


Representatives of European XFEL, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (HZB), BMBF funding agency PT-DESY; the chair of the Laser Advisory Committee (LAC) and representatives of the German-Swedish, German-Indian and other cooperations;


The members of the DESY directorate, the lead scientists of the DESY photon science division and the coordinators of PETRA III and FLASH.