# Pymol script to inspect Abl-Kinase # Thomas R. Schneider # 18/6/2013 delete all load 1FPU.pdb hide all # All create abl, chain A and resi 225-499 create lig, chain A and resi 1 set_bond stick_radius, 0.1, all color grey9, name C* show sticks, lig show spheres, lig set sphere_scale, 0.25, (all) show spheres, abl show sticks, abl scene F1, store # STRETCH hide all create stretch, chain A and resi 374-385 show sticks, stretch scene F2, store color green, stretch and (name ca or name c) scene F3, store # All hide all show sticks, abl color green, abl and (name ca or name c) scene F4, store hide sticks, abl and not (name n or name ca or name c) color green,(name n) scene F5, store, Backbone # show ribbon, stretch # set ribbon_color, green # set ribbon_width, 7 # helix hide all create helix, chain A and resi 337-355 show sticks, helix and (name n or name ca or name c or name o) color green, helix and (name c*) color blue, name N dist hbonds, helix and (name n or name o), helix and (name n or name o), mode=2 scene F6, store, alpha-helix # # beta sheet hide all create beta-sheet, chain A and (resi 301-305 or resi 311-316 or resi 267-273) show sticks, beta and (name n or name ca or name c or name o) color green, beta and (name c*) color blue, name N dist hbonds2, beta and (name n or name o), beta and (name n or name o), mode=2 scene F7, store, beta-sheet # hide all show cartoon